
CCCAO makes every attempt to keep the information on this calendar up to date and accurate, however, events and details provided below are subject to change including cancellation and postponement. Information provided during registration assists with coordinating logistical requirements and provides contact information in order to notify registrants of any changes to the event. Many of these classes or session are provided by outside intities.
Autism Awareness
Training from our Autism Awareness
01/31/2025 - 02/05/2025
Chatham County Juvenile Court
Child Interviewing
Emily Puhala of the Coastal Children's Advocacy Center discusses the tips, tricks and techniques of child interviewing and how to obtain valuable information for court purposes while reducing the number of times kids must discuss and relive the trauma through disclosure.
Please click the link below to watch a live recording!
12 noon
Chatham County Juvenile Court
The State Bar of Georgia’s Office of the General Counsel investigates and prosecutes alleged rules of ethics violations. The rules are contained in Part IV, Chapter 1 of the Bar Rules, which is part of the Georgia State Bar Handbook. In this course we will brief ethical concerns, how to avoid them and how they are prosecuted. Our guest presenter will be Paula Frederick, General Counsel at The State Bar of Georgia.
12:00 Noon
Chatham County Juvenile Court (197 Carl Griffin Drive, Savannah, GA 31405)
Drug Testing in Child Welfare Cases: Labs, Laws, and Litigation
Drug tests inform important decisions in dependency courts from removal to termination of rights, but for test results to be truly useful, they must be understood, admitted into evidence and weighed appropriately. This session will educate participants in the science of drug testing, evidentiary rules that affect the admissibility of results, and the trial skills necessary for effective presentation and argument to the court.
Guest presenters will be Mrs. Diana Rugh Johnson , Director of Court Improvement Program and Office of the Child Advocate Director, Mr. Jerry Bruce.
Chatham County Juvenile Court (197 Carl Griffin Drive, Savannah, Ga 31405)
Cultural Competency (Presented by Deborah Burrus, State Adoption Director for the State of Georgia)
Insight on the disparities of black children in foster care & how outcomes can be changed to better serve the underserved & over surveilled.
To view a recording of the presentation please click the link below:
Passcode: W5!$JhFT
12:00 Noon
Chatham County Juvenile Court (197 Carl Griffin Drive, Savannah, GA 31405)
Recovery Place Programs
For over three decades, Recovery Place has been providing Savannah, Georgia area residents with the treatemnt they need to overcome their substance and behavioral health disorders. Their commitment to helping their clients change their lives and gain the confidence they need to succeed through a strengths based approach led by a fully licensed and compassionate staff.
2:00 PM
Chatham County Juvenile Court, 197 Carl Griffin Drive, Savannah, GA 31405
The Community Resiliency Model (CRM)® presented by Vira Salzburn
CRM workshops introduce participants to six wellness skills. CRM Workshops help create “trauma-informed” and “resiliency-informed” individuals and communities that share a common understanding of the impact of trauma and chronic stress on the nervous system and how resiliency can be restored or increased using this skills-based approach.
To view a recording of the presentation please click the link below:
Passcode: V13=xu=T
06/17/2022 - 06/17/2022
12 PM
Chatham Count Juvenile Court (197 Carl Griffin Drive Sav, GA 31405)